Feá McCoyㅤ ㅤ                                    InfoWork

⁺ ⋆˚

Artist Statement

My concept explores the relationship between memory, place and grief. Attempting to connect to my late father. I aim to construct a knowing of him, through the objects and places he once knew. The landscape of  growing up in Kildare.

I attempt to decode the language of these objects and places, constructing a narrative that reflects my understanding of a person who I never met. Bridging the gap of absence that exists between us.

Through the projection of these slides, I attempt to map the landscape of my grief. I wish to convey this absence. Exploring the absence in the loss of person. Navigating memories through archival family material, Skipping through time, backwards and forwards through slide projection, it acts as a time machine. Which aligns the action with memory.

Reinserting myself into the family life we could have had.


Feá McCoy is a visual artist and photographer from Cork, who recently graduated from Limerick School of Art and Design. She emphasises analogue mediums in her practice, working primarily in still photography with some elements of the moving image.

Feá’s work delves into the relationship between memory, place and grief, which are inherent in family photographs. Attempting to know her late father, she seeks to construct a knowing of him. Navigating the past through archival family material, Feá plays in an act of remembering and reimagining. Through the photographs she takes, she attempts to construct a fantastical past and embark on a detective trail to uncover alternate versions of a real one.

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